spritpyssel 3 spritmuseum djurgården

Craft workshop: Swedish snaps

Welcome to our newest venture – Craft workshop: Swedish snaps!
Bring your friends to the Museum of Spirits and enjoy a playful workshop, where you make your own spice mix for classic Swedish snaps.

Spiced vodka has been part of Swedish drinking culture for hundreds of years, and this workshop begins with a brief history lesson covering how, what and why Swedes have been drinking throughout the ages. In this workshop we focus on the flavoring processes and traditions, with herbs and spices and their assumed benefits.

What is your favorite kind of snaps – classic Swedish, or with a modern touch? Only your imagination sets the limits as you create your own recipes based on the spices in our extensive spice library.

This is what you will bring home from the workshop:

  • Glass jar
  • Spice bags
  • Recipe book
  • Labels with your own, unique design
  • A better understanding of Swedish alcohol history and flavoring traditions
    Experience and inspiration to continue experimenting at home.

For the workshop to proceed, we need a minimum of eight participants.
Please send your request to info@spritmuseum.se.

Cheers and welcome!